· The transmittal letter or cover sheet (this shows who the inventors are and who is filing the application) A provisional patent application does not need claims or formal drawings. This is one reason why it's a lot cheaper to file a provisional patent application because you can save on the costs of having fancy drawings made. Instructions and help about provisional cover sheet. easily create electronic signatures for signing a s cover assignment in PDF format. signNow has paid close attention to iOS users and developed an application just for them. Each document submitted to the Office for recording must include a single cover sheet (as specified in § Included Formats to Download. MS Word. Fillable PDF. $ Subscribe today and SAVE up to 80% on this form. Subscribe Now. Description. Doc Code: bltadwin.ru Document Description: Provisional Cover Sheet (SB16) PTO/SB/16 () Approved for use through 05/31/ OMB U.S. Patent and Trademark Office: U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Under.
PROVISIONAL APPLICATION FOR PATENT COVER SHEET - Page 1 of 2. This is a request for filing a PROVISIONALAPPLICATION FOR PATENT under 37 CFR (c). Express Mail Label No. _____ INVENTOR(S) Given Name (first and middle [if any]) FamilyName or Surname PROVISIONAL APPLICATION FOR PATENT COVER SHEET - Page 2 of 2. The transmittal letter or cover sheet (this shows who the inventors are and who is filing the application) A provisional patent application does not need claims or formal drawings. This is one reason why it's a lot cheaper to file a provisional patent application because you can save on the costs of having fancy drawings made. Provisional Patent Cover Sheet (Download Here)Completed Micro-Entity Certification Form (if you're claiming micro-entity status at the PTO to get their lowest fees) (Download Here)PPA specification (and claims if any)-- prepare this yourself and make sure it's in PDF format and that "fonts are embedded.".
EFS - Web Provisional Application for Patent Cover Sheet This is a request for filing a PROVISIONAL APPLICATION FOR PATENT under 37 CFR (c) Inventor(s)InventorCountryStateCityFamily NameMiddle NameGiven NameAll Inventors Must Be Listed Additional Inventor Information blocks may be generated within this form by selecting the Add button. Document Description: Provisional Cover Sheet (SB16) PTO/SB/16 () Approved for use through 11/30/ OMB U.S. Patent and Trademark Office: U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of , no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The provisional patent cover sheet functions as a table of contents for the application package. The provisional application cover sheet is available on the USPTO website forms page. You should select the SB16 EFSWEB form, which is much easier to handle electronically, rather than the standard SB16 form.